What is Racketball?

Racketball is the UK’s fastest growing sport! Similar to squash it is played on the same court but with a bigger, bouncier ball and shorter rackets. Sometimes called Squash57.


"Easy to learn yet difficult to master"

The fact that the ball is bigger, more bouncy and does not need warming up means that the rallies last longer as the ball moves slower giving the opponent more time to react and get to the ball.  The shorter racket also helps with hand eye coordination making the ball easier to strike.  Overall this makes the game much easier to pick up than many other sports like squash or tennis.  Racketball is said to be, "Easy to learn yet difficult to master" which is one of the key factors in the sports recent growth.


Racketball Morning (Saturday)

Open to players of all ages and abilities, this session takes place every Saturday 9:40 - 11:00 at Beau Sejour. There is no need to book just come along and give it a go, first two sessions are free of charge.

For more information click here


Beginners Racketball (Saturday)

New to the sport come and learn the basics of the game, this session takes place every Saturday 9:00 - 9:40 at Beau Sejour. There is no need to book just come along and give it a go, first two sessions free of charge.

For more information click here